Sunday, August 23, 2009


Eight months ago when I was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration I had a hard time accepting the fact that I couldn't see. My eyes bugged me all the time. The world looked "cockeyed". I was kind of dizzy all the time and I became quite depressed. My sweet husband, who is always optimistic about everything, tried to encourage me, but nothing seemed to make me feel better. I asked him for a Priesthood blessing and in that blessing he told me that a miracle would occur in my behalf. I was comforted but still discouraged.

I decided that I needed to find out all that I could about this crazy disease so I sent for several books from Amazon dot com and began my education about Macular Degeneration. I learned that you will not become completely blind---you just won't be able to see. The central vision is destroyed---the peripheral vision is still there. There are two forms of the disease--the dry (or slow progressing) form and the wet form that progresses rapidly as tiny blood vessels in the retina leak and cause permanent damage to the macula.

I was diagnosed with the dry form and the specialist told me to come back in a year. I was not comfortable with that so I went back to see my regular Opthomologist. I could tell that there were changes happening in that eye. The distortion was changing. The wavy lines were different than they had been. Dr. Alder, my regular Opthomologist examined my eyes again and immediately made another appointment with the specialist. Dr. Alder indicated that there is probably something that the Retina specialist could do.
After taking a scan of my eyes, Dr. Kwun, showed me on the picture of my eye, that there were pockets of fluid indicating that the macular degeneration had indeed changed from the dry form to the wet, or more rapidly progressing form of the disease. The good news is however, that there is something that can be done to treat the wet form. He explained that he would be giving me an injection of medicine directly into the eye. There would be a series of three injections, given at intervals of 6 weeks apart.
I have now had the series of injections and there has been a marked improvement in my vision. My right eye has gone from 20/250 to 20/100. Before the third injection, the doctor did another scan and it showed that the pocket of fluid has almost disappeared. He feels that I will perhaps need another injection in another 6 weeks. I will always have a spot in my central vision that is dark, blurry and distorted, but the peripheral vision has improved greatly.
So when Joe promised me in that Priesthood blessing that a miracle would occur in my behalf, I have seen several miracles and I'm sure will continue to see more as I exercise faith.
The first miracle is that I was prompted to go back to Dr. Alder when I had concerns about changes in the eye. If I had waited for a whole year to go back to the specialist, the damage would have been extensive and permanent.
Second, that the drug that is injected into my eye works. It is a drug that has been successful in treating uterine cancer. It is amazing that someone figured out that it would help macular degeneration.
Third, that the body has two eyes and that the brain can be programed to see out of just one eye and yet use the vision that is left in the periphery of the diseased eye.
I am so grateful for the Priesthood and the blessings of the gospel in my life. I know that I will always have vision problems. My left eye has the beginnings of the disease, but I know that as I understand my limitations, and follow the advise of the doctors and know what I need to do to preserve the vision that I do have I can continue to have a productive life. I just need to remember to take my vitamins, eat lots of fruits and vegetables, stay out of the bright sunlight, avoid eye strain and limit my driving at night.
In the meantime, if you want to know about Macular Degeneration, I have some good books that you are welcome to borrow.


Beck said...

I'm so glad that the injections have helped, and that you are feeling more positive about everything.

We love and miss you so much and are glad to hear about these miracles in your life.

Erica said...

Reading this post is such an inpsiration, Grandma! The power of the priesthood is unmistakable, as is the faith to be healed. I love you :o)